Relaxing at the BeachI’ve realized that for the past few days I’m more tense, stressed, anxious, and just kind of blah feeling. I’m not surprised. Its been a little hectic around here as we wind down our summer and get ready for the school year. We’ve also added a foster puppy in the mix that needs almost constant attention. No wonder I’ve dropped into my old habit of just get it all done so I can rest. The good news is I see myself in that pattern now and I can do something about it.

What I would rather feel is more joyous, relaxed, and filled with the pleasure that comes from being more in my body. When I drop down into my body and out of my head, my body begins to relax. I begin to notice more sensations. I begin to actually stop and smell the roses of life. And the best part is, what needs to get done, gets done and what isn’t as important just drops away.

There are so many things I used to think were so important that I have found are not really that important. Things that just pile up on my to do list. Too many of which just cause me more stress. Things that could be delegated or just dropped.


So, how do I get from that stressed place to the relaxed place?


First, I clear my plate of anything that is not essential. When I get stressed, it’s a long standing habit that everyone and everything else get taken care of before myself. So, I’ve learned to say no. I’ve learned what I can put off until later. What I can delegate. What I can just drop all together. I let go.

Second, I drop down into my body out of my head by getting in contact with my body and what it’s really needing. Dropping down can sometimes be difficult, so I have some ways of doing that listed later in this post.

Third, I take a ME day (or at least a few hours). I follow what I feel like doing. What my body is calling out for me to do. Sometimes that’s just getting more sleep. Sometimes it’s a walk in nature. Sometimes it’s making healthier food choices. Sometimes it’s reading a book. However it shows up, it always means to slow down. Way down. To the essentials.

Once I’m in my body and begin to follow the deep desires of what I need and want, I begin to feel that relaxation take over, the anxiousness begin to leave, the tension in my shoulders begin to ease. Just giving myself this little bit of attention can completely turn my day around. It’s freeing and energizing. Magical things begin to happen. Those tasks that seemed so daunting and stressful, begin to be more enjoyable and pleasurable.

Try it. See how your day changes.


6 ways to drop down into your body:

  • Drop your attention down into your belly. Where your attention goes, the energy goes. Imagine a bright light shining deep within your belly. As you pay attention to it, allow it to expand and fill your whole belly with that light. Keep paying attention to it and allow it to fill your whole body. Allow it to fill your feet and toes. Your hands and fingers. Up into your shoulders, neck and head. When your body is filled, you can then let this light radiate outward. This can be a very soothing daily practice.
  • Touch yourself. Give your feet a massage. Lightly stroke the inside of your wrists or the palm of your hand. Run your fingers through your hair while paying attention to the sensations your feel. Bringing your attention to the sensations in your body gives your brain something to do and helps you get out of all the things your brain is trying to figure out for you.
  • Move your body — slowly, sensually, just for you and the pleasure of feeling your body move. Notice the sensations of the movement and how they affect your whole body. Play with the movement. Try moving just your hips. Then just your hands. Then just your feet. Play and enjoy and see how much pleasure you can feel from the movement.
  • Use your nose. Find a scent that really brings you into your senses. Scent can be a very powerful trigger for a shift. Take a moment to enjoy the scent of a flower, freshly mown grass, or freshly turned over earth. Maybe what turns you on is the scent of a baby’s head, or fresh laundry, or a spice like cinnamon. Whatever really reminds you to stop and take a moment to just enjoy that scent. Fully. In your whole body.
  • Taste can also bring you into your body. Allow yourself to really enjoy the taste of something delectable. Let yourself enjoy the flavor throughout your body. I’m talking about that taste that makes you give out an involuntary sigh of satisfaction as the flavor courses through you. The taste that you want to just savor for as long as you can.
  • Sound. We are very much wired for sound. Our bodies respond to music without our brains thinking about it. The right music can get you out of your head faster than almost anything.


These are only a few of the ways I use to get out of my head and into my body. What are some things that work for you? I would love to hear from you, so please leave a comment.




And if you would like to learn more about how to bring more joy into your life, reduce stress, create better relationships, and generally feel more expansive, let’s talk. Contact me to schedule a 30 minute personal strategy session and we can begin the process of finding what tools work best for YOU.