IMG_6695_webWhat is an Altar?

A home altar is a place set aside for honoring a Goddess. It is intended as a way to bring focus to the intentions set when the altar is placed or set up. It can be located anywhere in the home, but it is good to place it where it can be viewed daily and/or in a place where you can sit/stand/dance in meditation. It can be placed on a small table, a shelf or a countertop. The altar can be dynamic and change throughout the month as more items are added or items removed. It is a place of beauty, serenity, and joy.

Why set up an Altar?

When you set up an altar for a particular Goddess, you are creating an energetic bridge between your inner self and the ancient collective wisdom of the Goddess. You are opening the door to other realms of guidance and knowledge and inviting that which is of service to you at this point in your journey to come to you in ways you can receive. You are creating a space in which magic can happen.

Setting up an altar lets the universe know that you are serious about getting to know a Goddess and listening to her wisdom.

Having an altar set up in your home helps you remember to bring your thoughts back to the Goddess you are connecting with during the month. It is a visual reminder. Spending a few moments once or twice a day quietly meditating at your altar will deepen your connection with the Goddess.

How To Set Up An Altar

There is a simple process to successfully setting up and nurturing an altar. First you need to become mindful and let yourself focus on your intentions, your desires, and the Goddess you would like to connect with for the month. Once you quiet your mind, you will most likely be guided through the following steps with ease.

Locate and Prepare a Place

Find a place for your altar where you can see it easily as you go about your day and also where you can take moments of quiet solitude. Perhaps it is located in your bedroom where you see it before you go to bed at night and when you wake up in the morning. Or perhaps it’s in a quiet place in your living room where you can be reminded of her throughout the day. Check in with yourself and feel into where you might place your altar that will be the best placement for you and your life. You may even have to move some things around. You might like it on a small table or on a wide windowsill. Trust yourself to know the perfect placement.

Clear the Place and Become Mindful

Clearing the space energetically is a very important step. Do this step while holding the intention of clearing out all energies that do not serve or support the intention for the altar. This can be done by burning a little sage or making some clear healing sound such as with a singing bowl.

Select your Sacred Items and Arrange Them

Select your items for your altar based on the Goddess of the month. The most basic altar is a picture or symbol of the goddess and a candle in a candle holder. You do not need to purchase anything unless you feel called. You may find many items around your home that can be place on the altar. Notice how ordinary items become holy.

The general items I like on my altars are:

a cloth or cloths in colors that represents the Goddess;
an image, statue, or other symbol representing the Goddess;
a candle in a beautiful candle holder; symbols of the Goddess;
herbs, plants, flowers, and/or aromatherapy that represents the Goddess;
precious stones or crystals;
anything else that feels as if it should be placed on the altar;
Depending on the goddess, other things that I have put on my altars include….(feathers, beads, rice)

Bless Your Altar

Once it is all in place, you will want to bless the altar and invite the Goddess in. Welcome her and invite her to walk with you for the month and impart any of her wisdom you are ready to receive. Thank her and bless her.

Use Your Altar Daily

Spend some time at your altar each day. Clear you mind and listen to the voice of the Goddess. Listen for her quiet words of wisdom. Journal about what you are learning, experiencing, and noticing. What are you learning about yourself in this process?

That’s it. Have fun with this.
